Navigating Amore's Cancer Journey: A Story of Strength and Resilience


Amore is our very sweet and spirited Hedgehog.  She was recently diagnosed with cancer.  We are providing palliative care to keep her going as long as she is still active and happy.  This blog post will highlight her care.                

1. The Initial Signs and Diagnosis:
Just 3 days after we lost Waffles we noticed that Amore wasn't running on her wheel, she wasn't eating and was drinking very small amount.  So I took her to the Exotic Specialist at the vet I work for.  They recommended blood work and xrays.  The bloodwork came back with an extremely elevated Calcium and elevated Globulin levels.  The vet is suspecting with her age and everything that it is due to Neoplasia (Cancer), we don't know where it is, we can do a CT Scan but I dont' want to put her through that at her age.  

2. Understanding the Condition:
We are working closely with our Exotic Specialist to ensure that Amore has the proper care and follow-ups.  During her 2nd visit with the specialist we did more bloodwork to confirm/rule out the cancer diagnosis.  Her levels are still elevated as well as her kidney values went up.  The doctor said some of the meds she's on may elevate the kidney values so we are reducing it to every other day.  

3. Amore's Current Treatment Plan:
Amore is on palliative care to keep her comfortable.  We have her on the following so far:

  • Gabapentin: For pain management.
  • Appetite Stimulant: Adjustments made to her dosage.
  • GI Protectant For GI support
  • Diet Changes: Including baby food and canned cat food to encourage eating.  She is also being syringe fed Carnivore Care 4 times a day.

4. The Emotional Journey:
This past week has been incredibly difficult, 1st losing waffles and then Amore's diagnosis.  It's tough it is to see a beloved pet go through health challenges, but also rewarding it is to see her fight and remain active and curious.  My emotions have been a hot mess this week.  We've had Amore since she was 8 weeks old.  She's my baby first and foremost.  

5. The Importance of Monitoring and Vet Visits:
It's important that we remain in close contact with our Veterinarian at this time.  We have another recheck in 1-2 weeks to monitor her progress.  

6. Amore's Resilience and Quality of Life:
Amore remains active, curious, and strong despite her diagnosis. Amore has a tough spirit and is still very much a curious and active little girl.  During snuggle bag time she just wants to explore her surroundings.

7. Words of Encouragement for Other Pet Owners:
If you are going through something similar, I want to emphasize the importance of being proactive, seeking expert care, and cherishing every moment.

Amore is my baby and I will do everything in my power to keep her going as long as she remains active, happy and has a good quality of life.  I am committed to providing her the best possible care.  If you have a hedgehog with health challenges, I encourage you to share your journey in the comments below, I'd love to support you during this challenging time.  Stay strong for your furry friends.

