Do Hedgehogs Smell Bad? Here’s Everything You Need to Know!


Do Hedgehogs Smell Bad? Here’s Everything You Need to Know!

As more people discover the joy of owning pet hedgehogs, it’s natural for questions to come up. One of the most common ones we get asked is: “Do hedgehogs smell bad?”

We’ve all heard about other adorable pets that can be a bit stinky, so it makes sense to wonder if hedgehogs fall into that category. After all, no one wants their house taken over by unpleasant odors!

But here’s the truth—there’s a lot of misinformation floating around on this topic. Some say hedgehogs smell, while others say they’re odor-free. So what’s the real answer?

In this guide, we’ll clear up the confusion and give you practical tips to ensure your hedgie stays fresh and clean!

The Short Answer

Let’s tackle the main question first: Do hedgehogs smell bad?

Thankfully, the answer is no! Hedgehogs are naturally quite odorless. They don’t have scent glands like some animals (such as ferrets or skunks), which means they don’t emit any strong smells on their own. While you might pick up a light, organic scent when you get close, it’s far from unpleasant.

The Catch

However, while hedgehogs themselves don’t smell bad, their environment can. A dirty cage or poor hygiene habits can definitely cause an unpleasant odor.

The good news is that, as an owner, you’re in control of these factors. If your hedgehog starts to smell, it’s usually a sign that their habitat or care routine needs attention.

What Causes a Stinky Hedgehog?

The most common reason for a smelly hedgehog is a dirty cage. As your hedgehog uses the bathroom, waste can build up and start to smell—just like any other animal’s waste.

If left uncleaned, this odor can transfer onto your hedgehog, especially if they walk through their bedding or litter.

Fun Fact: Male hedgehog urine tends to smell stronger than female urine, so you might need to clean more frequently if you have a male!

Other Causes of Odor

Besides a dirty cage, other factors can cause your hedgehog to smell, such as:

  • Sickness or Infection: Illnesses can lead to foul odors or unusually stinky waste. If your hedgehog’s habitat is clean and they still smell, a vet check-up may be in order.
  • Poor Diet: Feeding your hedgehog overly fatty or low-nutrient foods can affect the smell of their waste. A balanced diet will help keep everything in check.

How to Keep Your Hedgehog Smelling Fresh

Luckily, it’s easy to keep your hedgehog smelling great with some simple habits:

  1. Clean Their Cage Regularly: Spot clean their habitat daily to remove any waste and give the entire cage a more thorough cleaning weekly. This includes washing their bedding and liner.

    Pro Tip: Use hedgehog-safe cleaning products to avoid exposing them to harmful chemicals. We recommend Nature’s Miracle Small Animal Cage Scrubbing Wipes for a thorough, safe clean.

  2. Give Them a Bath: Bathing your hedgehog every few weeks helps keep them clean and odor-free. You can also do quick foot baths to clean off any dirt or waste they may step in.

  3. Try Litter Training: Teaching your hedgehog to use a litter box can make their cage easier to clean and help control odors.

  4. Feed Them the Right Foods: A healthy diet not only improves your hedgehog’s overall well-being but also reduces the smell of their waste. Avoid overly fatty foods and stick to a balanced diet to help keep odors at bay.


So, do hedgehogs smell bad? The answer is no, as long as you’re providing proper care. With regular cleaning, a healthy diet, and some basic hygiene, your hedgehog will stay fresh and pleasant.

If you have any tips or experiences on keeping hedgehogs odor-free, feel free to share with us! We’re always eager to learn from fellow hedgie owners.
