Understanding Hedgehog Sleeping Habits: Why Does My Hedgehog Sleep So Much?


Understanding Hedgehog Sleeping Habits: Why Does My Hedgehog Sleep So Much?

If you’re new to owning a hedgehog, you might find yourself wondering why your little prickly friend seems to spend so much time sleeping. Is this normal? Should you be concerned? Rest assured, a hedgehog’s sleep patterns are one of their unique and natural characteristics, and once you understand why they sleep so much, it will make perfect sense.

In this blog post, we’ll take a closer look at hedgehog sleeping habits, explain why they sleep so much, and offer tips on how to create the best environment to support their snooze-filled lifestyle.

1. Hedgehogs Are Nocturnal

One of the most important things to know about hedgehogs is that they are nocturnal creatures. This means that they are naturally more active at night and tend to sleep during the day. Hedgehogs in the wild typically spend daylight hours sleeping to avoid predators and conserve energy. At night, they’ll emerge to hunt for food and explore their surroundings.

As a pet owner, you’ll likely notice that your hedgehog starts to wake up in the evening, often becoming most active during the hours of darkness. During the day, it’s completely normal for them to sleep for long stretches, sometimes up to 18 hours or more!

2. Deep Sleep Is Important for Their Health

Just like humans, sleep is vital for hedgehogs’ health. They use this time to recharge, regulate their body temperature, and maintain their immune system. Because they’re so small and active during their waking hours, hedgehogs require a lot of rest to recuperate.

While it might seem like they’re sleeping “too much,” especially if you’re used to having daytime-active pets, this extended sleep is essential for their well-being. If your hedgehog is active and happy during the evening hours, chances are they’re getting just the right amount of sleep.

3. Avoid Disrupting Their Natural Cycle

Because hedgehogs are nocturnal, it’s important to avoid disrupting their natural sleep cycle. Try not to wake them up during the day unless it’s necessary (such as for a vet visit). Waking them up too often during their sleep hours can lead to stress and negatively impact their health.

If you want to spend quality time with your hedgehog, it’s best to do so in the evening when they naturally start waking up. You’ll notice that this is the time they’ll be more curious and playful, giving you the chance to interact with them without interrupting their sleep.

4. Create the Perfect Sleeping Environment

Hedgehogs need a cozy and secure environment to feel safe while they sleep. Here are a few tips to ensure your hedgehog has the ideal sleeping setup:

  • Provide a Hideaway: Hedgehogs love to sleep in enclosed, dark spaces. A hideaway house or a snuggle sack will help them feel safe and secure while they sleep.

  • Bedding Material: Use soft, absorbent bedding, such as fleece liners or paper bedding, to create a comfortable sleeping surface. Avoid materials like wood shavings, which can be harsh on their skin and feet.

  • Temperature Control: Hedgehogs are sensitive to temperature changes. Their enclosure should be kept between 72-80°F (22-27°C) to avoid hibernation attempts. A consistent temperature will help them feel comfortable enough to sleep deeply.

5. Monitor for Abnormal Sleep Behavior

While it’s normal for hedgehogs to sleep a lot during the day, there are some signs that could indicate an issue if their sleeping patterns seem unusual:

  • Lethargy or Inactivity at Night: If your hedgehog is not waking up at night to eat, explore, or exercise, it could be a sign of illness or stress. A hedgehog that sleeps constantly, even at night, might need a check-up with a veterinarian.

  • Hibernation Attempts: If a hedgehog is kept in an environment that’s too cold, they might attempt to hibernate. This is dangerous for hedgehogs, as their bodies are not equipped to handle hibernation in captivity. Make sure the enclosure is kept warm enough to prevent this.

  • Changes in Sleep Patterns: A sudden change in your hedgehog’s sleep routine, such as increased lethargy or reluctance to wake up, could indicate a health issue. Monitor their eating habits, bathroom behavior, and overall energy levels, and consult a vet if you notice anything unusual.


Hedgehogs may seem like they sleep an extraordinary amount, but that’s simply part of their nocturnal nature. Understanding your hedgehog’s natural sleep patterns will help you provide the best care for them and avoid unnecessary worry. By creating a cozy, quiet environment and respecting their need for daytime rest, you can ensure that your hedgehog is well-rested, healthy, and happy.

Written by Heather, from Quills and Cuddles at Setareh Hedgehogs.🦔💖

For more hedgehog care tips, fun stories, and updates, be sure to check out our website at Setareh Hedgehogs. Don't forget to follow along on Instagram @setarehhedgehogs to see more adorable hedgie moments. We can’t wait to share the quill-filled fun with you!
