Update on Amore: Progress and Continued Care


Introduction: Amore, our incredibly sweet and spirited hedgehog, has been battling cancer with courage and resilience. We have been dedicated to providing her with palliative care to ensure she remains as active and happy as possible. This blog post will update you on her recent progress and ongoing care.

1. The Initial Signs and Diagnosis: Just three days after we lost Waffles, we noticed Amore’s behavior changing—she stopped running on her wheel, wasn’t eating, and was drinking very little. Concerned, I took her to the Exotic Specialist at the vet where I work. After blood work and X-rays, we discovered extremely elevated calcium and globulin levels. The vet suspected neoplasia (cancer), but given Amore’s age, we decided against a CT scan to avoid additional stress.

2. Understanding the Condition: We have been working closely with our Exotic Specialist to manage Amore’s condition. During her second visit, additional blood work confirmed the elevated levels, and her kidney values had also increased. We adjusted her medication schedule to every other day to help manage the kidney values.

3. Amore's Current Treatment Plan: Amore’s palliative care regimen includes:

  • Gabapentin for pain management
  • Appetite Stimulant with adjusted dosage
  • GI Protectant for gastrointestinal support
  • Diet Changes: Including baby food, canned cat food, and syringe feeding of Carnivore Care four times a day

4. The Emotional Journey: The past few weeks have been emotionally challenging, with the loss of Waffles and Amore’s diagnosis. Watching a beloved pet face health issues is tough, but seeing Amore remain active and curious has been both heart-wrenching and rewarding. We’ve had Amore since she was just 8 weeks old, and she’s truly my baby. My emotions have been a rollercoaster, but her spirit continues to inspire me.

5. The Importance of Monitoring and Vet Visits: We remain in close contact with our veterinarian, and Amore’s recent recheck was encouraging. We have scheduled an ultrasound for Wednesday to check for any tumors, which will help us better understand her condition and adjust her care if needed.

6. Amore's Resilience and Quality of Life: We are thrilled to share that Amore has shown significant improvement. She is now eating bugs again, including pinky mice, baby food, and canned food. She has resumed running on her wheel and is incredibly active during snuggle time. Her resilience and joy are evident, and she continues to explore her surroundings with enthusiasm.

7. Words of Encouragement for Other Pet Owners: If you’re facing similar challenges with your pet, I encourage you to be proactive in seeking expert care and to cherish every moment with your furry friend. Each small victory and improvement can make a big difference in their quality of life.

Conclusion: Amore remains my precious baby, and I am committed to providing her with the best care possible as long as she continues to be active, happy, and maintain a good quality of life. If you have a hedgehog with health challenges, please feel free to share your experiences in the comments below. I’m here to support you during this challenging time. Stay strong for your furry friends!
